2019: A Look Back and Forward

The year began with a plan to open an ice cream shop with a deadline of no later than May. May came and went. June came and went. July, yes, July also came and went. No shop, no truck or trailer. However, we had a place to produce our ice cream (our friends at Romolo’s Cannoli) and a cargo van for hauling our soon-to-come (ok not so soon) ice cream trailer. Our new open date was early September.

Our trailer was custom built and we picked it up and were ready to start. Now we just had to get our paperwork for the state figured out. A couple more weeks and the state gave us the ok, but not before more work had to be completed on the trailer; now we had to get right by our county, and finally the city. Alright, so things weren’t really working out for my home city. Our plan needed to be adjusted, again.

September came and went, and finally, in October we had a spot. One day a week in Burlingame, and we started our ice cream business at the worst time of year.

Despite the tough year and difficult start, we are buoyed by the positive responses from our many customers and friends who have supported our ice cream dreams, and look forward to a busy and successful 2020!


Pandemic Era Expansions